Boone, named after the famous explorer Daniel Boone, is situated in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Watauga County of North Carolina. Home of Appalachian State University (ASU) since 1899, Boone is a mix of a college town, a wonderful outdoor adventure destination, and historical marker of mountain heritage. Since ASU’s 3 consecutive National Football Championships, Boone's reputation has grown exponentially, developing the local economy to become a budding haven for young professionals; meanwhile being named one of the top 10 BEST places to retire in the United States. Despite Boone’s urban development, the town’s cool summer climate, moderate temperatures and beautiful wintery wonderland makes it highly sought after mountain escape. There are many local attractions, including Howard’s Knob park, Elk Knob state park, the Watauga River, and Appalachian Ski Mountain. There is an adventure here for everyone! Visit our Area Attractions Blog and Events calendar to learn more of the exciting adventures in Boone, North Carolina