November 30, 2017

Technology Keeping Real Estate Agents Connected

Its everywhere!! It’s in your hand, on your screen, in your car, on your wrist, in your home, on
your job, and there is no escaping it! What is it you may ask? It is… of course!!





This is the technology age

Technology makes it easier to make connections and find opportunities. Having a face to face meeting or even having an office are no longer the only way to do business. Especially our business, the business of Real Estate. Now that is not diminishing the tried and true foundations for personal interaction, but there is a “new kid on the block” and “he” is making our job a little easier.

Man using iPad technology

Here are a few benefits of technology in our Real Estate Business:

   Get around without moving your feet.
You have a smartphone, tablet, computer or smart watch. The internet is in your hand. Gone
are the days of it being hard to find at least SOME useful information on pretty much any home
on the market.

   Make transactions as quick as thought.
Snail mail, fuzzy faxes and hours of signing paperwork are no longer your only option. Going
digital has saved time for both Real Estate agents as well as You, the homeowner.

    Make friends anywhere and everywhere
Meeting the right people can be the hardest part or buying or selling your home. With apps
such as Google,, Trulia, and Zillow, you can find your Realtor before even seeing a
home. Online reviews can provide very useful information and help you decide on a Real Estate
agent well in advance!

Mobile Technology

Technology makes connecting with people and finding homes easier and faster. This has increased opportunities for both potential clients and agents!

The agents and staff of Vincent Properties fully recognize the necessity of staying in touch with rapid evolving technology. Thankfully we have Frankie Lancaster, our office tech savvy genius. Stay tuned for more from Frankie, as he provides us with more insight of the influence of Technology as it relates to Real Estate, Home Ownership and Lifestyle!



DISCLAIMER: the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.

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