January 22, 2025

Blowing Rock’s Annual WinterFest 2025

It’s almost here! Blowing Rock’s annual Winterfest is about to be underway for 2025 starting on Thursday, January 23rd. Kicking off the weekend of excitement is the Hendrick Car Hunt that will be going on all day! I don’t know about other Main Street businesses, but I’ll be glued to the window to see all the beautiful cars pass by. If you miss the main car hunt on Thursday, you’re in luck because it continues throughout the whole weekend!

On Friday, a lot of the festivities you know and love start up. Known as the favorite event of all, the Ice Stroll starts at 4PM. This year, we hope to see you take pics *in* our sculpture. Can you guess what it is? We can’t wait to see everyone’s creative ideas with their sculpture. Unlike last year we’ll be able to enjoy the sculptures for quite some time before they end up melting. 

Saturday is the biggest day of them all. Kicking off the day with the duck chuck and followed up by the crowd favorite, the Polar Plunge at the Chetola Resort! You might be wondering “when do these people get tired of the bitter cold?” Well, the Rotary’s chili cookoff should warm you up nice and easily followed by some hot chocolate and hayrides! I don’t know about you, but this sounds like the best day ever. 

To end the fun weekend, Sunday holds the spot for the WinterPaws Dog Show. It’ll be so cute! Don’t forget, the Chetola Resort has a walkable / drivable Festival of Lights show every night for all to enjoy each night of Winterfest. If the Blowing Rock Winterfest sounds like something you want to attend, be sure to visit their website: https://blowingrockwinterfest.com/ To see what events you need tickets for or need to register for! There’s so many more events happening at this year’s Winterfest that aren’t mentioned here as well! Visit the website to see all the extra details. We’ve also provided some images below with a longer list of activities. Unfortunately, the WinterFeast and the Beer Garden are already sold out. 


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